Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving....

..... Christmas, New Years, MLK Day, Presidents weekend - JEEZ - what is today?

     98 days after the hot water pipe under our sink exploded we finally have our kitchen and living room put back together!
     Here are two pictures of our clean, newly arranged living room showing off our lighter pine colored floors!
     To get ready for the moment involved a lot of preparation beyond the floors being installed (early last week). We had to wait for the weekend to get the rest of the prep done. You see, we had to sweep and clean them very well since Sam was in heat and decided to leave drops of blood on them. Luckily that was easy to clean up. (Thank you Method!)
     Both dogs received bathes and multiple brushings (Autumn is shedding like mad with this warm winter). Finally, stage approval was a requirement from Abby. She approved everything with no changes! (Either I got really lucky or I might actually have a design bone in my body.)

     Here is a view of the updated kitchen:
     We've got a lot of open space that we're still trying to figure out, but the flow feels so much better now that everything that was there before is now available for use.
     We're looking for a nicer cabinet to take the place of the rack (with the toaster oven) and might ask my brother for some opinions!

     I know you've heard it already - but DANG it is nice to have a living room and kitchen that we can fully use and finally enjoy! 98 days is a long time to wait for everything to get put back together!

     We'll get pics of the family room and basement up when we have those rooms finished. We're shuffling most rooms in the house in order to get a nursery ready! (YAY!)

     Much love to friends and family!

   ~ Matt