Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Welcome to Life at Two-Fifteen

Just like we are starting out in Missouri, we have chosen to document our story as we adapt to our new surroundings, home, make new friends, and enjoy a new university.

Abby continues to go through notes from her new job at a local bank. Being the perfectionist that she is, she wants to make certain customers loans are processed and things go as smoothly as possible for them. I continue to learn my new assistant professor position at the University of Central Missouri. What a great group of students and an incredibly supportive department.

We're looking forward to a great weekend with Abby's grandparents Otto and Dottie coming into town for a visit! PLUS Wendy and Randy will be joining us from Chicago! We get to show off the new home, the new furniture, the fact we've really cleaned the place for their visit, and hang out with an incredible group of family! Then we are off to the rents homestead in little Pretty Prairie - so named cause it is "a pretty prairie".

Well, I'm closing this post out with a lot of anticipation of a great weekend even though I face two more evenings of cleaning before everyone gets here.

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