Sunday, April 22, 2012

Weekend with Ma and Pa

Ma and Pa came up from the Kansas homestead to visit for the weekend. They got here late on Friday because they stopped in Leavenworth for a wedding.  We got some cake out of the deal, it was homemade and gorgeous (and also delicious). 

Ma is a little bit exciting about the grandchild.  She brought the following:  5 quilts, 6 blankets, 7 crib sheets and two crocheted blankets.
She also made and brought me three new maternity shirts.  Thanks Mom!

On Saturday we went to Kansas City to see the just built Mormon Temple.  Normally only recommended members are allowed in, but before it is dedicated they have tours for anyone to see the inside.  We waited in line for a while (Matt and I had sunburned scalps), but it was awesome to see.  They put booties on us so that we didn't mess up their new carpet.  This was a wise idea- last Saturday they had over 7,000 visitors and yesterday they were expecting to exceed that number.  It was interesting to learn about and see everything.

After the tour we took Ma and Pa to Costco to get things for dinner.  Again we didn't escape with only the items we went in for.  Oops.

We got home around 3:30 and Matt, Ma and I went out to the garden.  We used some "homemade" (with the help from lots of worms and rolly polys and other bugs) compost to add organic material so our new plants will grow.  Ma also brought us more than thirty seedlings to plant.  We planted 7 kinds of tomatoes, 2 kinds of eggplant, 7 kinds of peppers, basil, thyme, dill, chives, summer savory, broccoli and brussel sprouts.  It was hard work getting the ground ready and everything in.  Matt even started a new growing spot on the side of the house.  I think my mom wound up doing most of the work, but I'm still sore today!  Matt put up a fence today so the dogs can't get into the garden and walk on the plants.  I'll be excited when we get to enjoy the vegetables of our labor. 

Matt and Pa put together the crib and stroller in the nursery today.  The crib is a loan from Matt's boss.  The stroller is a gift from Matt's sister that we got about two days after we told people we were expecting.  Thank you Liz! 

Pa hung the new curtains, also sewn by my mom, and the room is identifiable as a nursery now.  We are still looking for some items, but the important things are done.

Unfortunately, Ma and Pa had to leave today, but this was a very productive weekend.  I think I might need another weekend starting now to recover.  Luckily, neither Matt nor I have anything planned for tonight.

Autumn says, "'Sup."

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