Saturday, December 17, 2011

Two Peas - in our pod

Everything is calming down a week before Christmas. I've been up since 4:00 a.m. trying to get over strep and a troublesome sinus infection. Over three days I've just finished my second box of Puffs Plus with lotion. (Oh thank you for making these!)

It has been an incredible November and December. Besides the water incident, Abby and I hosted her family and friends for Thanksgiving. Eight of us gathered around our table on Thanksgiving day and enjoyed an awesome meal and fantastic fellowship. A great time was had by all as we played games, went on walks, and do what we all do very well: eat.

Two weeks later my sister, parents, brother, niece, and nephew came into Kansas to visibly confirm that I had, in fact, received my PhD from Kansas State University. Yup, it is real. We all traveled to Manhattan, Kansas for the event. It was two days of an incredible time visiting with great friends, fellow grad students, some very patient faculty (they had to deal with me A LOT), close family friends and some really nice in-laws (I think I hit the lottery with the Abby's clan).

Saturday my family traveled back to our house and we hosted an informal Christmas since we will not see each other until sometime next year. Again, great food, joyous times, and fun by all. Abby and I got to spend time with Stella and Shane our niece and nephew. I got to spend time with my sister, who I really miss and enjoy being around.

After all had left, Abby and I came to the realization that our two families are incredibly different. When my family was here it WAS LOUD and bustling and busy and people tended to congregate around each other. When Abby's fam was here it was subdued, quiet, and people tended to find quiet spots to read or study or chill. The contrast was evident even when we played games as a family. Abby's fam is (mostly) patient and quietly observant. My fam is definitely louder (we like to verbalize our moves to all involved) and much more animated.

When all is finished - I think that it is safe to say that all had a great time. Abby and I are happy and enjoyed hosting all of our visitors. It was fun. The house is finally back to normal with our messed up floors and walls. I think the ones who miss all the action the most are Autumn and Sam. They miss all those extra hands petting them and lavishing attention onto them.

If we do not get to see you, please know that we wish you a Merry Christmas and a holiday experience that rivaled ours!

Oh - and GO STATE!

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