Friday, January 13, 2012

Hmmm..... News?

Abby and I were sitting on the couch tonight with her messing on the computer. I glanced over and saw that she had broken the news on Facebook and Google+ that we're expecting in July.

Hmmm..... it feels good to put the information out there. We were slowly telling work so they could prepare too.

So what is it like so far from my perspective? Interesting. Abby had a week-long jelly bean craving - but I wasn't sure that was attributable to the pregnancy. She was going to bed early too - like around 7:30 - but that has gone back to the 9:30ish normal time. Yes, I was also enjoying "pity" tiredness too. I would lay down with her but 90 minutes later I would have to get up and do something else since my body was just not ready to crash.

The only other thing I can think of, but I'm not sure this is due to pregnancy or our current diet, but JEEZ her stomach is LOUD! She thinks this is because she's constantly hungry but I've no idea.

Well that's all for now. We'll keep you posted....

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